About GAR
GAR Founders
Richard W. Smith, Ph.D. GAR Founder and Lead Consultant
Expertise: Carbon cycling in aquatic systems, biogeochemical cycling in the coastal ocean, estuaries, lakes and marshes, plant and microbial biomarkers as proxies of environmental change, lignin analytical techniques, the environmental fate of chemical munitions (TNT, RDX), harmful algal blooms (HABs), nutrient availability
Expertise: Carbon cycling in aquatic systems, biogeochemical cycling in the coastal ocean, estuaries, lakes and marshes, plant and microbial biomarkers as proxies of environmental change, lignin analytical techniques, the environmental fate of chemical munitions (TNT, RDX), harmful algal blooms (HABs), nutrient availability
Dr. Smith started Global Aquatic Research in June 2014, pursuing a passion for freshwater and oceanographic research. He earned his B.S. in Chemistry and Environmental Science from SUNY Brockport in 2007 and a Ph.D in Chemical Oceanography from Texas A&M University in 2011. His dissertation research on carbon burial in fjords was published as a cover article of Nature Geoscience and was featured in National Geographic and on NBC News. As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Connecticut, his research using stable isotopic tracer molecules to determine the fate of chemical munitions (TNT, RDX) in the marine environment received the Department of Defense's Strategic and Environmental Research and Development Program's (DoD-SERDP) 2016 Project of the Year Award in Environmental Restoration. With over 30 articles published in leading peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Smith continues to contribute cutting-edge research to a wide range of aquatic fields while running GAR and acting as one its primary consultants.
Stella C. Woodard, Ph.D. GAR Founder, Sedimentary Geologist and Paleoclimatologist, Consultant
Expertise: Climate change, sedimentation, isotope geochemistry, trace metals, earth's history, sea-level rise, lakeshore protection,
Expertise: Climate change, sedimentation, isotope geochemistry, trace metals, earth's history, sea-level rise, lakeshore protection,

Dr. Woodard earned a B.S. in English and Writing from SUNY Oswego in 2001, and after pursuing additional coursework in Geology at SUNY Brockport she went on to earn her Ph.D. in Geological Oceanography from Texas A&M University in 2011. Her work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University from 2011 to 2014 on the influence of deep ocean currents on paleoclimate during the late Pliocene has been featured in Science ("Antarctic role in Northern Hemisphere Glaciation"). She continues to publish original research that focuses on the use of stable and radiogenic isotopes and ocean temperature proxies to constrain variations in the ocean's temperature, currents, and ice sheet volume. Dr. Woodard has logged over 150 days at sea as a sedimentologist for the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), federally supported oceanographic research and private industry.
GAR Network
Media and Outreach
We believe public outreach is a critical component of scientific research. In order to enact positive environmental change, we must accurately and widely convey the major findings of our work.
We work with influential people, private industry, and non-profits to promote environmental sustainability and research into our lakes and oceans
We believe public outreach is a critical component of scientific research. In order to enact positive environmental change, we must accurately and widely convey the major findings of our work.
We work with influential people, private industry, and non-profits to promote environmental sustainability and research into our lakes and oceans
Legitimate Matters
Join us with host William Parris on his award-winning talk show as we discuss the numerous drivers and consequences of modern environmental change
Join us with host William Parris on his award-winning talk show as we discuss the numerous drivers and consequences of modern environmental change
We interview Fionn Ferreira, Google Science Fair winner 2019, and John Englander, sea level rise expert and oceanographer, with IdeaXme, the global podcast, creator series and mentor program
We interview Fionn Ferreira, Google Science Fair winner 2019, and John Englander, sea level rise expert and oceanographer, with IdeaXme, the global podcast, creator series and mentor program